Your Guide To... Career Mapping at Step Up on Campus

//Your Guide To...

Your Guide To... Career Mapping at Step Up on Campus

Attending a Career Mapping Session at a Step Up on Campus High School in Your City?

Your Guide To... Career Mapping at Step Up on Campus

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Lesson Overview ​

In this lesson, teens will set value-aligned goals and create an action plan or themselves through the career ladder mindset and Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan (WOOP) method. Mentors will participate and engage with teens through the activities.​

Check-In at School​

  • Look for information in your confirmation email on arrival instructions and Fellow contact information. Reach out to with any questions. ​
  • Check in with the Fellow who will have a Sign In QR Code. Complete this form to sign in for the session. ​
  • School Fellow will review this week's learning objectives and take teen attendance.​

Mentor Visit Introduction

Step Up Mentors introduce themselves, their current company/role or career journey, and some words of advice they'd give to themselves if they were a teen. We encourage you to create a brief "Mentor Moment“ and ask if there are any questions before the lesson.​

Career Ladder Mindset + WOOP Activities​

Teens and mentors will identify accomplishments analyzing what experience was gained and what lessons were learned. The WOOP method will support participants in planning and forecasting opportunities for consideration in their career choices.

Career Ladder Activity

Think about the steps so far you've taken in your journey: milestones, academic achievements, proud family moments, challenges, personal accomplishments, activities and leadership roles (clubs/organizations, awards/honors, athletics, and church/youth groups), work/internship experience, community service, and other special hobbies!​

  • What skills did you gain from each experience?​
  • What were your biggest takeaways?​
  • What opportunities did each experience lead to?

WOOP Activity

Step 1: Wish - Think about the next four weeks, what is one wish you would like to fulfill during this time-frame? If you have several, pick one. It can be about your health, your job, school, your family, anything. Write a wish that is important to you. The wish should be difficult but achievable. State it briefly as a phrase or sentence. Keep it at the front of your mind

Step 2: Outcome - Now, what is the best outcome associated with fulfilling your wish? What would the best thing about achieving your wish be? How will it feel when you accomplish this? Close your eyes and really imagine it. Visualize this ideal outcome as vividly as possible. Let your mind go. Close your eyes if you would like. Again, state your outcome briefly in a phraseor sentence

Step 3: Obstacle - What holds you back from realizing your wish? What stands in your way of making your wish come true? What behavior of yours or what emotions come up for you that might hinder or block you from fulfilling this wish? Dig deeper here. What is your main internal obstacle? This must be something that you have control over. Close your eyes and imagine your obstacle. Once you identify it, state it briefly as a phrase or sentence

Step 4: Plan - What can you do to overcome your obstacle? Identify one action you can take to surpass this obstacle. What is your specific plan? ​

What is the exact thing you will do? This plan should be easy to remember. Now, make an if-then plan. If this (insert obstacle here) occurs, then I will (action or behavior to overcome said obstacle).

  • What are your reflections on this activity?​
  • How do you think this process of WOOP can benefit your life?​
  • What other goals do you see yourself using WOOP for?

Closing and Announcements​

The School Fellow will close out with announcements.

Resource list

Outside of this one-time space created for mentoring at Step Up Programs, contact with teens is not permitted. For everyone's safety, do not share business card, telephone number or other means of communication.

Learn how to Be a Mentor here!

View our Mentor Training Resources here!

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