Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question? Check out our FAQ below! If you can’t find an answer, reach out to us at

About Step Up
What is Step Up?
Step Up is a mentorship nonprofit providing the structure for girls (and those who identify with girlhood) to define their ideal destination and get there -- wherever that destination may be.
What kinds of events does Step Up offer?
Step Up facilitates group and one-on-one mentorship programs, both virtually and in-person. Through our free programs, high school teens and young adults ages 18-29 develop social emotional skills and explore the wide variety of career options available to them. Check out our events calendar to see what’s coming up!
Where does Step Up serve?
Step Up offers programming on high school campuses in a growing number of cities, including Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Nashville, and New York. We also offer virtual mentorship programs. While these programs are designed for United States time zones, they are open to mentors and mentees globally.
Who can be a member?
Anyone with a passion for empowering girls and young women. Please keep in mind that most of our mentoring opportunities are only open to women and those who identify with womanhood. There are select mentoring opportunities open to those who do not identify with womanhood; you can learn more by reaching out to
How do I become a member?
Membership starts with an investment in Step Up. Visit our membership page to explore our giving levels and to join as a member. Those who choose to invest at or above the Visionary level ($500 a year) have the option of making their donation through smaller, monthly installments. As an official member, you will start receiving e-blasts about upcoming events and mentoring opportunities, which you can attend as part of your annual membership.
What is the difference between each member tier?
The main difference is the amount of your investment in Step Up programming and in the next generation of women. For more information about the impact of each tier, please visit our membership page.
How long does membership last?
Step Up memberships are renewed annually. Once you select your membership giving level on our membership page, you will have the option to make recurring yearly donations.
Is there a required time commitment?
There are no time requirements. Members are welcome to join events as they fit with their interests and schedules.
How do I make changes to my membership tier level and/or my contact information?
Reach out to us at!
How do I join the board?
Step Up members at or above the Luminary Circle giving level ($1000 donated annually) are eligible for service on a Step Up regional board. Interested in joining? Fill out our interest form!
Are there any qualifications I need to be a mentor?
Mentors must be Step Up members or affiliated with one of our corporate partners. See the Membership section of this FAQ page for more information. No prior mentoring experience is required - we just ask that you come prepared to be open and positive! We also invite you to check out our blog post on Mentorship 101 tips + tricks.
How does a typical mentoring session work?
In group-based programs, Step Up staff will lead the mentorship session consisting of both large group discussions and small group breakouts. Throughout the session, mentors will be prompted to share their insights and experiences with mentees. For one-on-one programs, mentors will be provided with guided talking points and objectives.
Can I mentor/volunteer with Step Up without being a member?
At the moment, mentorship is only open to Step Up members whose investments contribute to our programming for teens and young adults.See the Membership section of this FAQ page or visit our membership page for more information.
Are there other volunteer opportunities for members?
Yes! Step Up invites members to record videos and write encouraging letters to our mentees. Visit our mentorship page to learn more!
Further Involvement
How can my company get involved?
Search your employer in our search engine to see if they will match your donation!
Think your company would make a good Step Up partner? Sponsorships begin at $10,000. Visit our Partner page and/or contact Jamie to learn more.
We also offer an Employee Engagement Program, with investment options starting at $10,000. Through this membership, your organization gains access to year-round volunteer opportunities and joins a network of Step Up corporate members as thought-leaders in workplace development and employee engagement.
How can I further support Step Up?
Download the RoundUp App to support Step Up while shopping! Every month, your "RoundUps" from purchases you have made will be donated to Step Up.
We also invite you to follow and share our social media content on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and our blog!
Additional Support
Having issues registering for an event?
Contact Anne-Margaux.
How can I become a Step Up girl/mentee?
Are you between the ages of 14-29 and ready to attend Step Up’s free, virtual programs that will inspire you to be your most confident, capable, and career-ready self? Get on our list!