Attending a Health and Wellness Session at a Step Up on Campus High School in Your City?
Your Guide To... Health and Wellness at Step Up on Campus
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Lesson Overview
We encourage Step Up teens to understand and cultivate wellness across key areas of their lives. By breaking down wellness into different components, it can help us gain insights into where we may be overextending ourselves, how we can achieve a better sense of well-rounded living and aim for balance to live our best lives! Teens and mentors will increase their self-awareness around the different dimensions of wellness and practice goal setting to improve their overall wellbeing.
- Why do you feel it is important to cultivate balance in all areas of wellness?
- What is one way you can incorporate balance into your life currently?
- How will you hold yourself accountable to having a well-rounded lifestyle?
Check In at School
Look for information in your confirmation email on arrival instructions and Fellow contact information. Reach out to with any questions.
Check in with the Fellow who will have a Sign In QR Code. Complete this form to sign in for the session.
School Fellow will review this week's learning objectives and take teen attendance.
Mentor Visit Introduction
Step Up Mentors introduce themselves, their current company/role or career journey, and some words of advice they'd give to themselves if they were a teen. We encourage you to create a brief "Mentor Moment“ and ask if there are any questions before the lesson.
Wellness Wheel and Goal Planning
The School Fellow will facilitate a Wellness Wheel and Goal Planning Activity for the group. Activities will explore the 8 Dimensions of wellness and a goal planning activity - Comfort- your strengths, Stretch- short term goals, Dream - long term goals Activity

Closing and Announcements
The School Fellow will close out with announcements.
Resource list
Outside of this one-time space created for mentoring at Step Up Programs, contact with teens is not permitted. For everyone's safety, do not share business card, telephone number or other means of communication.
Learn how to Be a Mentor here!
View our Mentor Training Resources here!