Director, Teen Programs
2 years of service
Stephanie Armelin serves as Step Up's director of teen programs.
Her work experience is heavily grounded in the fields of education and nonprofit program management. While she often misses the classroom setting, she prides herself on being much more than an educator in the conventional sense and is pleased to include such service-oriented titles to her personal list of skills and accomplishments as: mentor, role model, counselor, community advocate, and civic and social change agent.
She enjoys combining her extensive educational background, professional experience, and dedication to volunteerism and community service to her role at Step Up. She believes that the enthusiasm she feels toward her work has the potential to be transformative for the people and the communities that her work serves.
Stephanie is a proud native of south Louisiana. She maintains membership in prestigious organizations such as Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), both of which give her the opportunity to serve and celebrate youth, women, and people of color through mentorship and empowerment initiatives.
Get to Know Stephanie
What has your mentor taught you?
My high school teacher, Donna Lewis-Lanceslin, helped me to find and refine my voice and use it, not only for my betterment, but for the betterment of others.
What do you enjoy most about working at Step Up?
Working at Step Up affords me the opportunity to create content and programming that is impactful for the next generation of young girls to learn to navigate the twists and turns of life...and, eventually, take the world by storm!